Right-wing media go to bat for Donald Trump’s politicization of the Justice Department Article 02/13/20 6:14 PM EST
“The president can do whatever he wants” -- Fox's Greg Gutfeld calls for Trump to influence the Roger Stone sentence Video & Audio 02/13/20 6:04 PM EST
Right-wing media figures try and fail to clock Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s patriotism for Drag Race appearance Article 02/13/20 4:29 PM EST
Fox's Charles Hurt: Trump “absolutely should pardon everybody that has been caught up in this political witch hunt” after the election Video & Audio 02/13/20 1:43 PM EST
Hannity: Roger Stone's sentence recommendation “reeks of prosecutorial misconduct” Video & Audio 02/12/20 10:01 PM EST
Tucker Carlson: A Trump pardon “could save Roger Stone's life, vindicate himself, and end his nonsense forever” Video & Audio 02/12/20 8:55 PM EST
Fox's Jesse Watters reacts to Roger Stone sentencing: “It's fun living in a banana republic, isn't it?” Video & Audio 02/12/20 6:32 PM EST
Inside the right-wing media campaign to rig the justice system in favor of Roger Stone and Donald Trump Article 02/12/20 5:07 PM EST
Trump uses media coverage of Bloomberg's stop-and-frisk comments to whitewash his own racism Article 02/12/20 3:29 PM EST
CNN’s Rick Santorum is going on a Caribbean cruise to help a group that attacks CNN as “fake news” Article 02/12/20 3:29 PM EST
CNN and MSNBC fall for right-wing media talking points to paint 2020 Democratic candidates as “extreme” on abortion Article 02/12/20 1:15 PM EST
CNN legal analyst on multiple resignations at the DOJ: “Is Fox News calling the shots?” Video & Audio 02/12/20 12:17 PM EST
Sean Hannity tells Fox & Friends that Republicans should again try to repeal Obamacare Video & Audio 02/12/20 9:41 AM EST
Fox News' Mark Levin says Bernie Sanders is a “racist, from top to bottom” because he moved to Vermont Video & Audio 02/11/20 10:01 PM EST
Sean Hannity praises the DOJ for “rightfully” stepping in to reduce Roger Stone’s sentencing recommendation Video & Audio 02/11/20 9:31 PM EST
Rep. Devin Nunes suggests Trump pulled a Treasury nomination “on a whim” because a Lou Dobbs segment told him to Video & Audio 02/11/20 8:28 PM EST