Limbaugh complains that under reform, “We will instantly become rivals” for health care dollars Video & Audio 08/17/09 3:25 PM EDT
Limbaugh claims, “I have not used the word 'death panels,' except in quoting Sarah Palin” Video & Audio 08/17/09 3:20 PM EDT
On Fox, conspiracy theory that “spam czar” Axelrod sent health care email “to go around the Records Act” Video & Audio 08/17/09 3:02 PM EDT
Limbaugh “punching back twice as hard,” repeats falsehood: “Pelosi calls my audience, calls me, calls my friends Nazis” Video & Audio 08/17/09 2:42 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Advisers “should have bent Obama over their knee and spanked him” for remarks on public-private competition Video & Audio 08/17/09 2:17 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “There is no reason to have this kind of liberal reform without a public option” Video & Audio 08/17/09 12:42 PM EDT
Conservatives push Reagan's 1961 attacks on “socialized medicine” but ignore that he was criticizing Medicare Article 08/17/09 9:29 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson absurdly claims it's “absurd” to think insurance industry involved in protests Article 08/16/09 5:22 PM EDT
REPORT: The media have debunked the death panels -- more than 40 times over Article 08/15/09 12:13 AM EDT
Rush Still Fearmongering Over Health Reform Killing Elderly And Disabled: “It's Going To Happen” Article 08/14/09 5:46 PM EDT
Limbaugh purports to give Bill Clinton a lesson in civil discourse; calls “Nutroots” Nation convention an “assemblage of fruitcakes” Video & Audio 08/14/09 3:40 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claims Pelosi called disruptors Nazis, says Dems engaged in “hate speech aimed at the American people” Video & Audio 08/14/09 3:17 PM EDT
Limbaugh orders that there be no compromise on health reform: “You don't compromise with socialists” Video & Audio 08/14/09 2:57 PM EDT
Limbaugh: People who want to “snuff ... liberty out” “own the White House,” Congress Video & Audio 08/14/09 2:10 PM EDT
Fox News celebrates “historic” 28th anniversary of Reagan tax cuts by ignoring history Video & Audio 08/14/09 1:38 PM EDT