Limbaugh: SPLC's Potok has “fetish” for collecting threats against Obama; Potok “gin[ning]” up story Video & Audio 08/14/09 1:28 PM EDT
Limbaugh whitewash continues: “Nobody's calling Obama Hitler; nobody's calling Pelosi Joseph Goebbels” Video & Audio 08/14/09 1:23 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama has surrounded himself with “Jew-haters,” “anti-Semites,” Israel-haters Video & Audio 08/14/09 1:18 PM EDT
Limbaugh's false logic on Nazi rhetoric: “It is I who is denouncing all of this” Video & Audio 08/14/09 1:11 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Pelosi said the town hall attendees were Nazis”; adds, “The White House is gathering an enemies list” Video & Audio 08/14/09 1:05 PM EDT
WaPo's Capehart on Beck: Maybe losing advertisers will “pump the brakes on some of these wild statements” Video & Audio 08/14/09 8:32 AM EDT
ABC's Ross cites Limbaugh and Beck while covering the “threats growing in health care debate” Video & Audio 08/14/09 8:17 AM EDT
After previously debunking end-of-life falsehoods, ABC and AP portray them as he said/she said Article 08/13/09 8:32 PM EDT
Conservative media ignore their own long history of invoking Nazis to smear progressives Article 08/13/09 7:50 PM EDT
Limbaugh says video shows Clinton “fondling herself” and “grabbing herself ... like she's got malaria” Video & Audio 08/13/09 3:13 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Some Democrat lackey went out and painted a swastika” on office of Rep. Scott, “this idiot Congressman” Video & Audio 08/13/09 3:00 PM EDT
Limbaugh: White House is telling Blue Dogs “you better never betray us or it's Fort Marcy Park, figuratively speaking” Video & Audio 08/13/09 2:59 PM EDT
Discussing Tina Brown comments, Limbaugh asks assistant, “are you saying Hillary's not fat?” Video & Audio 08/13/09 2:46 PM EDT