Limbaugh whitewashes history: “Nobody is saying that Obama is Hitler” Video & Audio 08/13/09 2:36 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Obama doesn't give a damn” about his step brother “George Obongo Obango Odingo Obama, or whatever his name is” Video & Audio 08/13/09 2:11 PM EDT
Rush wonders who media will “lionize” after Ted Kennedy, rules out Clinton and his “concubines” Video & Audio 08/13/09 2:00 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Health care reform is “an attempt to regulate your behavior, make you feel guilty for enjoying yourself, essentially” Video & Audio 08/13/09 1:45 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama, Pelosi, and Reid “want to play God,” Barney Frank “wants to play God-ette” Video & Audio 08/13/09 1:25 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama “would demand the best treatment and medicines” for his daughters, but won't do so for “the rest of us” Video & Audio 08/13/09 1:23 PM EDT
Limbaugh defends Palin on “death panels”; Obama wants to control “determinations of who lives and who dies” Video & Audio 08/13/09 1:19 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Palin was “dead right” about “death panels”; proposes sending sick to Canada or Cuba for “socialized medicine” Video & Audio 08/13/09 1:06 PM EDT
Limbaugh derides Southern Poverty Law Center report on right-wing militias as a “scare tactic” Video & Audio 08/13/09 12:57 PM EDT
Rush Compares Health Reform Advocates To “National Socialists Of Germany” Article 08/12/09 4:38 PM EDT
Limbaugh expounds on how “Tony Obama Soprano” is “extorting” pharmaceutical companies Video & Audio 08/12/09 3:46 PM EDT
Limbaugh contrasts Clinton and McCaskill: “It's just fine and dandy for Mrs. Clinton to act like everybody's third and fourth ex-wife” Video & Audio 08/12/09 3:16 PM EDT
Discussing Clinton's “meaningless” trip to Africa, Limbaugh calls her “Sex-retary of State” Video & Audio 08/12/09 2:45 PM EDT
Politico twice mischaracterizes Dems' comments to assert they called “protesters” un-American Article 08/12/09 2:24 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “to sit here and to be compared to the monstrous, genocidal Adolf Hitler, that's beyond the pale” Video & Audio 08/12/09 1:28 PM EDT
Limbaugh expresses desire for Pelosi “to remain the botoxed face” of health care reform Video & Audio 08/12/09 1:09 PM EDT