Limbaugh: Obama “has no respect for private sector”; “he doesn't like it” Video & Audio 07/27/09 1:28 PM EDT
Limbaugh attacks MSNBC, White House for criticizing Limbaugh for calling Obama “Barack Nifong” Video & Audio 07/27/09 1:19 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Obama: We voted for “torture ... tyranny ... dictatorship” Video & Audio 07/27/09 12:45 PM EDT
Fox & Friends ignores Elmendorf response, while guests attack his meeting with Obama Video & Audio 07/27/09 7:35 AM EDT
Matthews highlights Limbaugh response to Obama's comments on Gates Video & Audio 07/26/09 12:14 PM EDT
On Fox News Watch, Cal Thomas lauds “talk radio” for “putting out the true information” about health reform Video & Audio 07/26/09 10:58 AM EDT
Over and over, Hannity falsely claims Obama “admitted he'd never read” the health care bill Video & Audio 07/25/09 10:31 AM EDT
After resigning as “titular head” of GOP, Limbaugh says “Republican Party doesn't even like me today” Video & Audio 07/25/09 1:26 AM EDT
Limbaugh declares stimulus “done to stimulate the Democrat Party;” “There was never any intention to create jobs” Video & Audio 07/25/09 1:25 AM EDT
Limbaugh On the Record: Obama health reform is “an ideological attempt to control freedom, limit it as much as possible” Video & Audio 07/25/09 1:25 AM EDT
Limbaugh deems “frightening” that “American economy, our private sector, is under daily assault by its own government” Video & Audio 07/25/09 12:42 AM EDT
Limbaugh claims “state run media” and “Democrat Party” are “trying to destroy Sarah Palin” Video & Audio 07/25/09 12:37 AM EDT