Hour 3: Limbaugh Continues To Fearmonger That Health Care Plan Will Deny Treatment To Elderly Article 07/22/09 3:09 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama “wants to pay people to kill some of us before we are born and before we are ready to die” Video & Audio 07/22/09 2:48 PM EDT
Hour 2: Limbaugh Credits Himself, “Brethren In Talk Radio” For Opposition To Health Care Reform Article 07/22/09 2:46 PM EDT
Limbaugh answers “why is skepticism building”: “It is I and my brethren in talk radio” Video & Audio 07/22/09 2:16 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Big government denies people life and liberty”: “hallmark of Democrat-led Congress and the Obama White House” Video & Audio 07/22/09 1:58 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Obama: “We are being uppity if we disagree with this man's brilliance” Video & Audio 07/22/09 1:35 PM EDT
Dobbs joins right-wing media promoting birth certificate conspiracy theories Article 07/22/09 1:12 PM EDT
Limbaugh reads “gutsy story”, “very brave piece” headlined “Does Ted Kennedy deserve his extended cancer care” Video & Audio 07/22/09 1:03 PM EDT
Hour 1: Limbaugh Praises DeMint's “Waterloo” Comments About Health Care Reform Article 07/22/09 12:54 PM EDT
Fox News hosts advanced falsehood that Obama said he has not read health bill Article 07/22/09 9:20 AM EDT
Sebelius corrects Scarborough's false claim that, “while blogging,” Obama “didn't even know portions of” health bill Video & Audio 07/22/09 9:14 AM EDT
LA Times: FactCheck.org says “CNN should be ashamed” of Dobbs' birther remarks; CNN employee distances net from Dobbs Article 07/22/09 8:12 AM EDT
On Hannity, Breitbart says it was “devastating” to Obama that he “pitched like an Indonesian teenage girl” Video & Audio 07/21/09 10:23 PM EDT
Echoing Drudge and Heritage, Limbaugh falsely claimed Obama “admits he doesn't know” what's in House health bill Article 07/21/09 9:13 PM EDT
Beck: Health care reform is “good old socialism ... raping the pocketbooks of the rich to give to the poor” Video & Audio 07/21/09 6:29 PM EDT
Hour 3: Rush To Caller On Health Reform: “You're Supposed To Sit Back, Bend Forward, Grab The Ankles, And Love It” Article 07/21/09 3:19 PM EDT