Limbaugh: Obama is “wreaking as much damage to the Constitution as he can get away with” Video & Audio 06/08/09 2:30 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Would a white male judge have fractured his ankle in the same circumstances” as Sotomayor? Video & Audio 06/08/09 2:23 PM EDT
Hour 2: Limbaugh On Sotomayor's Broken Leg: “I Hope She Can Find A Wise Latina Doctor” Article 06/08/09 1:53 PM EDT
Rush: Offensive to hear media call “half-black, half-white” person “with no experience ... a god” Video & Audio 06/08/09 1:37 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Gorbachev “endorsing what Obama is doing, tearing apart” U.S. economy Video & Audio 06/08/09 1:35 PM EDT
Limbaugh on “Gorb-asm”: “Gorbachev was the world's first messiah, Obama is number two” Video & Audio 06/08/09 1:10 PM EDT
Rush's show opener: “Barack Obama is destroying the United States economy” Video & Audio 06/08/09 12:40 PM EDT
Hour 1: Limbaugh Calls Obama “Half-Black, Half-White Human Being With No Experience” Article 06/08/09 12:21 PM EDT
Limbaugh's on caller's theory that “minorit[ies]” use anger to be successful: “This is pretty good” Video & Audio 06/05/09 3:44 PM EDT
Limbaugh: The worse it gets ... the better for [Obama] and his designs" Video & Audio 06/05/09 3:00 PM EDT
Hour 2: Limbaugh: Obama “Has Something Against Israel” Because He Was “Mentored” By Ayers, Wright, And Farrakhan Article 06/05/09 2:26 PM EDT
Rush responds to Republican's claim that he lost position for criticizing Limbaugh by calling him “schlub,” “podunk” Video & Audio 06/05/09 1:35 PM EDT
Hour 1: Limbaugh: At Buchenwald Obama Is “Ripping” Germans “Over Something They Did 60 years Ago” A Day After Praising Islam Article 06/05/09 1:32 PM EDT