Hour 1: Fill-in Davis: “Why aren't black people more attracted by liberty?” Article 04/24/09 1:25 PM EDT
Conservative media claim prosecution of Bush administration officials will turn U.S. into “banana republic” Article 04/23/09 9:03 PM EDT
Hour 3: Fill-in Steyn's road to green economy: Living in mud huts and women beating laundry on rocks by the river Article 04/23/09 3:38 PM EDT
Hour 1: Fill-in Steyn compares torture memo controversy to Miss California/gay marriage flap Article 04/23/09 1:31 PM EDT
Fox News contributor Santorum latest to claim Obama “palling around” with Chavez Video & Audio 04/23/09 10:03 AM EDT
Limbaugh reminisces about his previous commentary like “the all-American first cavalry Amazon battalion, which is nothing more than a bunch of women soldiers on PMS” Video & Audio 04/22/09 2:56 PM EDT
Limbaugh claims Obama can't be “in charge of our new morality” because he “supports infanticide” Video & Audio 04/22/09 2:40 PM EDT
Limbaugh “guarantee[s]” that woman who jumped in zoo polar bear exhibit saw “Al Gore's movie” or picture of polar bears on small amount of ice Video & Audio 04/22/09 2:38 PM EDT
Discussing History Channel program, Limbaugh suggests the left wants “mass euthanasia” Video & Audio 04/22/09 2:05 PM EDT
Responding to comments by Sec. Clinton, Limbaugh claims of Obama admin “every damn person in this government's Peter Principled” Video & Audio 04/22/09 1:45 PM EDT
Hour 1: For Earth Day, Limbaugh plans to “personally” oversee destruction of two acres of rainforest Article 04/22/09 1:35 PM EDT
Limbaugh: For Obama administration, statement that “the best way to generate capital is to earn it” “could be a hate crime” Video & Audio 04/22/09 1:32 PM EDT
Limbaugh on Earth Day: “I personally am going to see to it that we lose 2 acres of rain forest” Video & Audio 04/22/09 1:15 PM EDT