Hugh Hewitt used his MSNBC gig to praise efforts to weaken a law that his firm’s client is accused of violating Article 05/09/18 3:47 PM EDT
Alex Jones warns that Childish Gambino (Donald Glover) is doing a “voodoo dance” in his “This is America” video Video & Audio 05/07/18 2:14 PM EDT
Fox’s Stuart Varney: The left might try to impeach Trump “on the basis of a white lie about an alleged affair” Video & Audio 05/04/18 12:38 PM EDT
Fox Business host credits Trump's tax cuts for record low black unemployment Video & Audio 05/04/18 11:17 AM EDT
Lou Dobbs: “Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are part of the conspiracy and the coordinated attack on this presidency” Video & Audio 05/02/18 8:13 PM EDT
Republican congressman thanks Hannity for previously smearing SNAP recipients as lazy Video & Audio 04/26/18 6:46 PM EDT
Fox host on Scott Pruitt's corruption scandals: “What is more serious is the damage” the EPA has “done to American business” Video & Audio 04/26/18 1:53 PM EDT
GOP House candidate wrote a glowing foreword to a bigotry-filled book by a racist who resigned in disgrace from the Trump administration Article 04/26/18 10:47 AM EDT
Fox’s Stuart Varney attacks Bernie Sanders' job guarantee plan: “It’s called a vote-buying operation" Video & Audio 04/24/18 10:03 AM EDT
Fox panel panics over public disapproval of Trump's tax law: “Socialism is back, socialism is now acceptable” Video & Audio 04/20/18 12:22 PM EDT
Don't believe the right-wing lie that auto fuel-economy standards make cars more dangerous Article 04/13/18 1:12 PM EDT
Newt Gingrich to African-Americans: “Wouldn't you like to have a party that actually brought you jobs instead of a party that brought you food stamps?” Video & Audio 04/11/18 5:18 PM EDT
Steve Scalise auditions to succeed Paul Ryan in interview praising Trump on the president's favorite show Article 04/11/18 10:06 AM EDT
Fox News figures are downplaying Trump’s moves towards a trade war with China Article 04/06/18 2:41 PM EDT
Fox's Brian Kilmeade parrots Trump's lie that “people in California are voting four or five times” Video & Audio 04/06/18 8:03 AM EDT
Fox's Stuart Varney calls stock market backlash to Trump's tariffs “an emotional response to the words ‘trade war’” Video & Audio 04/04/18 9:50 AM EDT