Pittsburgh Post-Gazette uncritically quoted audience member at Palin rally repeating discredited birth certificate smear of Obama Article 10/24/08 1:24 PM EDT
Conservative media figures allege Obama's Hawaii trip is about discredited birth-certificate rumors, not his ailing grandmother Article 10/23/08 10:13 PM EDT
Savage: “Why should a welfare recipient have the right to vote? They're only gonna vote themselves a raise” Video & Audio 10/23/08 6:16 PM EDT
Savage on Powell endorsement: “The only people who don't seem to vote based on race are whites of European origin” Video & Audio 10/21/08 3:37 PM EDT
Savage: "[N]ot all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists happen to be Muslim" Video & Audio 10/14/08 11:04 AM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claimed "[t]here's no evidence" Obama wrote anything before Dreams from My Father “except a poem” Article 10/13/08 5:48 PM EDT
Conservative radio hosts claimed HUD said 5 million illegal immigrants were given subprime mortgages, despite HUD's reported denials Article 10/13/08 4:12 PM EDT
Limbaugh mischaracterized accomplishments of '06 Nobel Peace Prize winner, smeared Jimmy Carter Video & Audio 10/13/08 4:07 PM EDT