Conservative echo chamber pushes story about Obama's brother, despite brother's reported refutation Article 08/26/08 7:58 PM EDT
Savage: Democratic Party's “membership is made up largely of minority blocs ... that are all against the white person” Video & Audio 08/26/08 6:04 PM EDT
Media repeat Limbaugh's baseless charge that claimed Obama got “sweetheart deals” from Rezko without noting rebuttal Article 08/22/08 7:42 PM EDT
Discussing Obama, Limbaugh suggests Dems, media believe “you can't criticize the little black man-child” Article 08/20/08 8:03 PM EDT
Coulter, Limbaugh smeared Obama with false claim that he “believes it is proper to kill a baby that has survived an abortion” Article 08/20/08 5:37 PM EDT
Limbaugh: Obama's nomination “goes back to the fact that nobody had the guts to stand up and say no to a black guy” Article 08/20/08 11:46 AM EDT
Touting Corsi book, Limbaugh falsely claimed that Obama voted to “allow doctors and patients to murder babies” Article 08/15/08 7:56 PM EDT
Milwaukee radio host smeared “greedy, overpaid unionized schoolteacher[s]” who talk about global warming Article 08/13/08 6:59 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Edwards might be attracted to a woman whose mouth did something other than talk” Video & Audio 08/12/08 9:05 PM EDT
Hannity falsely claimed “Obama can't point to a single instance in which ... Sean Hannity or talk radio” has “made an issue of Obama's race” Article 08/07/08 5:41 PM EDT
Savage: “Illegal aliens” have “raped and disheveled” the Statue of Liberty Article 08/05/08 8:16 PM EDT
Tracking a smear: Obama “snubbed” wounded soldiers because there were no media or “cameras” Article 07/30/08 7:37 PM EDT
IBD repeated falsehood that Obama bill would levy “Global Tax” on U.S. taxpayers Article 07/30/08 5:16 PM EDT