Limbaugh on Richardson's endorsement: “The lesson for you superdelegates is that you can vote against Hillary Clinton, and for at least four days, you can survive” Article 03/24/08 8:23 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “Obama has disowned his white half ... he's decided he's got to go all in on the black side” Article 03/21/08 8:10 PM EDT
O'Reilly on Media Matters: “Any of the presidential candidates who can deport those swine -- I'm voting for them” Article 03/20/08 6:17 PM EDT
Savage: Obama was “hand-picked by some very powerful forces ... to drag this country into a hell that it has not seen since the Civil War” Article 03/19/08 2:20 PM EDT
Scarborough claimed McCain “has never attached himself to these people on the far right that say if you're gay, you're going to hell, et cetera” Article 03/18/08 8:41 PM EDT
Chetry falsely claimed Franken said Rove and Libby “should be executed for treason” -- then denied having claimed it Article 03/17/08 4:38 PM EDT
Limbaugh sketch repeated false claim that Rep. Frank “let a prostitution ring be run out of” his “home” Article 03/12/08 5:50 PM EDT
Limbaugh said Obama “look[ed] like Ayman Zawahiri” in photo, described Michelle Obama comments as “womb-to-womb frontal attack on Hillary Clinton” Article 03/03/08 6:51 PM EST
Savage: "[W]hy are there no queries being provoked about Saddam Hussein -- I mean, Barack Hussein Obama?" Article 02/29/08 7:54 PM EST
Limbaugh falsely claimed Obama's statement on Al Qaeda in Iraq is “manifestly not true” Article 02/29/08 5:18 PM EST