Savage on Obama: “We have a right to know if he's a so-called friendly Muslim or one who aspires to more radical teachings” Article 02/22/08 6:53 PM EST
Armstrong Williams: NY Times story on McCain “causes those of us in the media to lose credibility” Article 02/22/08 5:24 PM EST
Quoting Kincaid, Limbaugh falsely asserted Obama bill “would commit the United States to spending 0.7 percent of GDP on foreign aid” Article 02/21/08 8:33 PM EST
NY Times quoted Limbaugh falsely suggesting Obama is a “blank canvas” on taxes, abortion Article 02/15/08 6:34 PM EST
Limbaugh returned to “testicle lockbox”; claimed Clinton “reminds men of the worst characteristics of women” Article 02/15/08 1:38 PM EST
MSNBC hosted Coulter and highlighted, without challenge, her assertion that Obama “wouldn't be running ... if he weren't half-black” Article 02/14/08 8:48 PM EST
MSNBC's Brewer defended McCain's reversals on tax cuts and immigration with falsehoods Article 02/14/08 8:31 PM EST
NBC's Todd touted McCain as a “moderate,” but McCain's own words and record tell a different story Article 02/14/08 6:36 PM EST
Fox News Radio's Tom Sullivan aired “side-by-side comparison” of speeches by Hitler and Obama Article 02/13/08 7:39 PM EST
ABC's Tapper, Limbaugh touted Weekly Standard characterization of Obama that is based on false assumption Article 02/12/08 9:11 PM EST
Savage claimed Lantos used the Holocaust as “a weapon the rest of his life” Article 02/12/08 3:44 PM EST