Echoing Limbaugh, Cal Thomas falsely claimed Obama has “no legislation he can point to that has his name on it” Article 01/11/08 11:48 AM EST
Limbaugh falsely asserted that “you won't find a Senate bill with [Obama's] name on it” Article 01/09/08 5:27 PM EST
Media figures claimed Clinton's emotional moment in NH was “pretend[],” not “genuine” Article 01/09/08 1:23 PM EST
Media revive characterization of Clinton as “calculating” after emotional moment in NH Article 01/08/08 5:38 PM EST
More violent imagery from Matthews: If Clinton beats Obama, “what does she do with the body?” Article 01/05/08 4:57 PM EST
Matthews asked about Clinton endorsers' “willingness” “to become castratos in the eunuch chorus” Article 12/17/07 9:54 PM EST
Savage makes degrading comments about House Speaker, other prominent Dem women Article 12/14/07 4:38 PM EST
Savage: “90 percent of the people on the Nobel Committee are into child pornography and molestation, according to the latest scientific studies” Article 12/13/07 3:12 PM EST
Limbaugh misrepresented Bill Moyers, said “I'm pretty sure he's lost his mind” Article 12/12/07 6:02 PM EST