AP reports on Limbaugh's “phony soldiers” comment have failed to correctly explain timeline of controversy Article 10/22/07 4:05 PM EDT
CNN provided one Limbaugh explanation for “phony soldiers” remark, ignored his subsequent contradiction Article 10/19/07 8:21 PM EDT
Claiming he never attacked the Frosts, Limbaugh mimicked Graeme Frost and attacked Dems for “exploiting” family Article 10/19/07 4:33 PM EDT
On Hannity & Colmes, Limbaugh again misrepresented his “phony soldiers” controversy Article 10/19/07 4:33 PM EDT
Politico reported Democrats “came under fire” for using children in SCHIP fight, not McConnell office's alleged attack on Frosts Article 10/18/07 5:47 PM EDT
Media once again run with anonymously sourced allegation of Clinton eavesdropping Article 10/18/07 4:06 PM EDT
Olbermann named Coulter “Worst Person” for remarks on Medved program about Jews Video & Audio 10/18/07 2:45 PM EDT
Fox & Friends' Doocy falsely claimed that Media Matters “never, ever touch anybody on MSNBC. They never mention anybody on CNN” Article 10/16/07 7:03 PM EDT
Fox co-anchor Hemmer mischaracterized Limbaugh's “phony soldiers” remark Article 10/16/07 3:52 PM EDT
In editorial attacking Gen. Clark, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette misrepresented Limbaugh “phony soldiers” controversy Article 10/16/07 2:23 PM EDT
Limbaugh says he told journalist writing story on him: "[W]e're going to find out where your kids go to school" Article 10/16/07 10:17 AM EDT