Rosen claimed he “stumbled” in calling Obama “Osama” three times during broadcast Article 02/16/07 6:52 PM EST
Savage: Journalists “with curly hair and large glasses” won't cover shooting without “a Christian to crucify” Article 02/16/07 3:05 PM EST
Limbaugh defended racially charged Grossman comment: "[T]he whole point was to tweak the media" Article 02/15/07 11:39 AM EST
Moran disavowed “hatred” spewed by Coulter and Limbaugh -- what about the rest of ABC? Article 02/08/07 5:14 PM EST
Savage said Rice was “pushed up the ladder ... because of social engineering” Video & Audio 02/08/07 4:53 PM EST
Limbaugh returns to football analysis: "[T]hey're dumping on" Grossman “because he is a white quarterback” Article 02/07/07 5:08 PM EST
Limbaugh: “The government's been taking care of [young blacks] their whole lives” Article 02/05/07 7:16 PM EST
In media appearances promoting The Enemy at Home, D'Souza backpedaled from book's central conclusions Article 02/05/07 2:12 PM EST
Limbaugh: Would Muslims threaten hijacking if airplane toilet was not properly aligned with Mecca? Video & Audio 01/31/07 6:46 PM EST
Savage “doubt[s]” Obama and Clinton “would take our side” after terrorist attack Video & Audio 01/30/07 4:06 PM EST