Kondracke, Barnes: “MoveOn.org-Howard Dean-Daily Kos-Michael Moore left wing of the Democratic Party” is “just as nasty and mean” as -- if not "[m]eaner" than -- Savage, Limbaugh Article 07/24/06 7:10 PM EDT
Limbaugh claimed “you need abortions to get” embryonic stem cells, “we need to re-examine” notion of “scientist” because “science has been so wrong about so many things” Article 07/20/06 7:13 PM EDT
O'Reilly made Olbermann's “Worst Person” list for calling Limbaugh's legal problems “a total setup” Video & Audio 07/20/06 6:12 PM EDT
Limbaugh distorted news reports to falsely suggest they didn't identify Hezbollah as a terrorist organization Article 07/19/06 7:44 PM EDT
O'Reilly smeared Media Matters, Democracy Alliance as “left-wing Mafia” that “intimidates good people” Video & Audio 07/19/06 1:57 PM EDT
Olbermann: “Coultergeist column” dropped; O'Reilly, Rivera, Stossel make “Worst Person” list Video & Audio 07/17/06 1:35 PM EDT
Fox News' Big Story asked: “What's the point of the U.N. if allies are all talk?” Video & Audio 07/11/06 4:38 PM EDT
Limbaugh baselessly claimed “the NSA domestic spying program” alerted U.S. officials to NYC bomb plot Article 07/10/06 3:52 PM EDT
Limbaugh, Hannity continued to attack Murtha based on inaccurate Sun-Sentinel report Article 06/30/06 8:09 PM EDT
O'Reilly: “Palm Beach authorities” are “trying to ruin Rush Limbaugh” Video & Audio 06/28/06 3:08 PM EDT
"[T]reason, plain and simple": Right-wing media figures attack NY Times over bank-tracking story Article 06/27/06 7:04 PM EDT
Despite all evidence to the contrary, media conservatives continued to hype Santorum's “weapons of mass destruction” Article 06/23/06 7:07 PM EDT
Echoing retracted Bush administration characterization, Limbaugh labeled Gitmo suicides a “PR move” Video & Audio 06/16/06 11:49 AM EDT
Colmes challenged Coulter's claim that “you never see conservatives ... using someone's tragedy” Article 06/13/06 3:53 PM EDT