Limbaugh falsely claimed that Democrats view anti-terror funding as “just a waste of money” Article 07/12/05 12:15 PM EDT
Limbaugh downplayed London bombings, claimed “40 people dead” is “not a successful terrorist attack” Video & Audio 07/08/05 2:13 PM EDT
Limbaugh's response to London: Durbin, NYT , Gitmo critics are “aiding and abetting” the terrorists; bin Laden “sounds like John Kerry” in 2004 Video & Audio 07/08/05 1:34 PM EDT
Defying Bush's call to “tone down the heated rhetoric,” Limbaugh called Supreme Court justices “socialist wackos” Video & Audio 07/06/05 3:09 PM EDT
Citing Fox News, Limbaugh demanded Durbin produce FBI emails that are already public Article 06/21/05 1:22 PM EDT
An open letter to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting board of directors Article 06/14/05 11:16 AM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claimed that Kerry “did not get his Form 180 records released that show his naval records” Article 06/10/05 5:58 PM EDT
Limbaugh repeated false Sessions accusation that Schumer compared Bush judicial nominee to KKK Article 06/08/05 2:54 PM EDT
Limbaugh falsely claimed media didn't mention “Deep Throat” Mark Felt's conviction, pardon Article 06/02/05 3:28 PM EDT
Matthews's statements defy conservatives' claims that he is a “liberal Democrat” Article 05/31/05 6:04 PM EDT