Conservative pundits forwarded discredited Wash. Times article blaming Russians for missing explosives in Iraq Article 10/29/04 2:29 PM EDT
Poll vaulting: To back Bush, Hannity selectively cited polls and Limbaugh ignored them Article 10/28/04 4:38 PM EDT
Conservative hosts echoed RNC claim that Kerry blamed troops for missing explosives Article 10/27/04 1:55 PM EDT
Hannity, Limbaugh falsely suggested Pa. governor disenfranchising overseas military voters Article 10/27/04 11:31 AM EDT
Conservative pundits spread the claim that there are fewer terrorists now Article 10/20/04 5:47 PM EDT
Conservatives equated Mary Cheney's sexual orientation with abortion, adultery, alcoholism, and now obesity Article 10/18/04 4:25 PM EDT
Buchanan: Kerry's use of “cold, hard word 'lesbian'” like “saying ... 'my friend's daughter had an abortion'” Article 10/15/04 8:07 PM EDT