Limbaugh boosted bogus Wash. Times article claiming Al Qaeda prefers Kerry Article 08/13/04 9:59 AM EDT
Limbaugh joined Hannity in falsely accusing Clinton of rejecting bin Laden offer Article 08/12/04 6:02 PM EDT
Limbaugh on “joyless” Maureen Dowd: “Isn't it always a guy when a woman's unhappy?” Article 08/12/04 5:06 PM EDT
Drudge continued to push false report tying Boston Globe reporter to book by Kerry-Edwards campaign -- even after Globe set record straight Article 08/09/04 8:19 PM EDT
Matthews, Limbaugh repeated “Lurch,” “Evita” monikers to describe Kerrys Article 08/06/04 10:18 AM EDT
Limbaugh back to labeling Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse “hazing” and “a fraternity prank” Article 08/05/04 6:49 PM EDT
O'Reilly denounced Dem “character assassins” -- then smeared Dems with baseless charge of illegal funding Article 08/05/04 5:33 PM EDT
Wall Street Journal : “Berger Cleared of Withholding Material From 9/11 Commission” Article 07/30/04 2:59 PM EDT
Cables, right-wing radio ran with debunked Drudge charges on Kerry combat films Article 07/30/04 9:43 AM EDT
CNN's Miles O'Brien wants to see if Howard Dean “melts down or something” Article 07/27/04 7:33 PM EDT