Federation for American Immigration Reform The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is an anti-immigrant organization founded by white nationalist John Tanton and has been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group.
Peter Sprigg Peter Sprigg is a senior fellow at the extreme anti-LGBTQ organization Family Research Council. He joined the organization in 2001 and has made numerous media appearances as its spokesperson.
Bloomberg Bloomberg News was founded in 1990 to provide financial news to Bloomberg terminal subscribers. It later expanded to offer more traditional news reporting to compete with other news outlets but still primarily focuses on business and economic news.
Health Care Stories about the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, Medicare, health care and health insurance in general, and any policies or proposals for health insurance reform or universal/single-payer coverage policies
Bernie Sanders Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is a self-declared socialist senator who attempted to win the 2016 and 2020 Democratic presidential nominations and is a strong advocate for universal health care through Medicare for all.
Mike Cernovich Mike Cernovich is a bigoted, rape-denying social media personality who has pushed conspiracy theories and associated with white supremacists. He is sometimes promoted by figures in the Trump administration and other Republicans.
Ann Coulter Ann Coulter is a racist pundit who regularly calls for the mass expulsion and even murder of immigrants. She strongly supported Donald Trump during his 2016 presidential campaign because of his anti-immigrant rhetoric.
Frank Luntz Frank Luntz is a polling expert and consultant who often works for Republicans. He has also worked as an analyst for Fox News and CBS News and frequently failed to disclose that he had worked for politicians he discussed.
Sexual Harassment & Sexual Assault News coverage of sexual harassment and assault has grown during the #MeToo era as women have spoken up more about its pervasiveness in many industries, especially media.
Fox Business Fox Business is just as conservative as its sister channel Fox News, sharing many of the same on-air personalities and pro-Trump coverage.
The Washington Free Beacon The Washington Free Beacon is a conservative blog that was launched in 2012 and conducts reporting from a conservative slant and perspective. The Free Beacon has also hired Republican opposition research firms to obtain information for anti-Hillary Clinton stories.
Peter Schweizer Peter Schweizer is a discredited author who writes error-filled books targeting Democratic figures, such as his 2015 book Clinton Cash, which formed the basis of a much-debunked right-wing conspiracy theory about the sale of a uranium mining company to a Russian agency.
American Family Association American Family Association (AFA) is an anti-LGBTQ group that organizes boycotts of businesses that support LGBTQ rights or have LGBTQ-inclusive policies. It also owns hundreds of media outlets nationwide, mostly radio stations.
Tim Russert Tim Russert was NBC News’ Washington bureau chief and was the longest-serving moderator of NBC’s Meet the Press. He moderated numerous gubernatorial, senatorial, and presidential debates and also served as a senior vice president for NBC News. He died in 2008.
Jan Mickelson Jan Mickelson is an Iowa-based talk radio host who is notorious for his bigotry against Muslims and LGBTQ Americans and for his extremist rhetoric on immigration. He interviewed many Republican presidential hopefuls during the 2016 Republican presidential primary.
The Weekly Standard The Weekly Standard was a conservative news magazine founded by editors Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes in 1995 and it served as a media outlet for neoconservatives. The magazine was a huge advocate for the U.S. invading Iraq. The Weekly Standard ceased publication in December 2018.
William Donohue William Donohue is the longtime president of the conservative Catholic League, a nonprofit that defends the public image of the Roman Catholic Church in America. Donohue has downplayed the Catholic Church’s sexual abuse crisis and has a history of ugly anti-LGBTQ comments.
Associated Press The Associated Press was founded in 1846 as a cooperative organization whose members distribute and publish AP news reports. It has been awarded over 50 Pulitzer Prizes and its news stories are distributed in more than 100 countries around the world.