Andrew Sullivan Andrew Sullivan has written several books and has been a political blogger, editor, and writer for many years. He currently writes for New York magazine.
Betsy McCaughey Betsy McCaughey is a former Republican lieutenant governor of New York and a columnist for the New York Post. She was a frequent right-wing media source for information about Obamacare and the health care reform debate during the Obama administration and one of the primary pushers of the “death panel” lie.
Dennis Prager Dennis Prager is an anti-LGBTQ pundit who has hosted the nationally syndicated The Dennis Prager Show since 1999. In 2009, he founded the conservative nonprofit organization PragerU, which publishes short videos on political and international issues.
Gavin McInnes Gavin McInnes is a bigot who works for right-wing Canadian outlet Rebel Media, hosts a podcast called Get Off My Lawn, and has been kicked off of Fox News and CRTV. He also founded the violent far-right gang the Proud Boys.
Competitive Enterprise Institute The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) is a conservative think tank that has been funded in part by the Koch brothers and the fossil fuel industry. CEI works to stop action to mitigate climate change, placing op-eds and paid ads that misrepresent scientific research.
Brian Kilmeade Brian Kilmeade is a longtime Fox & Friends co-host and also hosts the Fox News Radio program The Brian Kilmeade Show. His tenure at Fox has been marked by repeated bigoted statements.
Las Vegas Review-Journal The Las Vegas Review-Journal is Nevada’s largest daily newspaper and was secretly purchased by right-wing casino magnate and Republican billionaire donor Sheldon Adelson in 2015. During the early years of the Obama administration, the newspaper regularly published conservative misinformation under publisher Sherman Frederick.
George Will George Will has been a conservative Washington Post columnist since 1974 and is also currently a NBC and MSNBC contributor. Throughout his career he has failed to disclose his conflicts of interest in his columns, denied the scientific facts of climate change, and downplayed sexual violence against women.
Pizzagate Conspiracy Theory The Pizzagate conspiracy theory that a Washington, D.C., pizza restaurant hid a pedophilia ring was spread by hoaxers such as Alex Jones and Mike Cernovich, and it led to a believer of the conspiracy theory appearing at the D.C. pizza restaurant in December 2016 and opening fire with a rifle.
Jerry Falwell Jerry Falwell was a famous fundamentalist Southern Baptist preacher who founded Liberty University and the right-wing Christian political organization Moral Majority. He was also extremely anti-LGBTQ and called the AIDS epidemic divine punishment for the existence of LGBTQ Americans in society. He died in 2007.
Melanie Morgan Morgan, who had made false, misleading, and unsubstantiated claims regarding the Iraq war, retired from talk radio in 2016. She was a co-host of Lee Rodger’s talk radio show on KSFO, briefly hosted America’s Morning News, and worked for California radio station KSRO.
George Soros George Soros is a billionaire who made his fortune through hedge fund management and currency speculation and has donated billions of dollars through his Open Society Foundations philanthropic agency and to other progressive causes and organizations. He is a frequent target of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories in right-wing media.
Al Gore Al Gore was President Bill Clinton's vice president from 1993 through 2001. Following his unsuccessful run for president in 2000, Gore worked to raise awareness on climate change and helped launch the cable news channel Current TV, which was on air between 2005 and 2013.
Allen West Allen West is a former U.S. Army officer, one-term Republican congressman from Florida, and Fox News contributor. He's currently a senior fellow at the conservative Media Research Center and NRA board member. He has a long history of pushing smears, lies, and incendiary rhetoric, especially against Muslims.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a longtime Republican Party operative who advised Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. Sanders became a face of the Trump White House and a major distributor of the administration's misinformation through her role as press secretary. In August 2019, she joined Fox News as a contributor.
Robert Novak Robert Novak was a conservative columnist and a CNN host with a history of making partisan attacks against Democrats. Novak outed covert CIA agent Valerie Plame’s identity in a 2003 Washington Post column after Bush administration officials Richard Armitage and Karl Rove leaked Plame’s identity to him. Novak died in 2009.
Bill Clinton Bill Clinton was the 42nd president of the United States for two terms, starting in 1993 and ending in January 2001. Prior to becoming president, he served as governor and attorney general of Arkansas. He was subjected to numerous partisan investigations and was impeached by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives in 1998, but he was acquitted by the Senate in 1999.
Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton was President Barack Obama’s first secretary of state, first lady during President Bill Clinton’s administration, and the 2016 Democratic nominee for president. Clinton also ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008 and was previously a U.S. senator representing New York. She has spent much of her career advocating for women’s rights.