MSNBC anchors call out Breitbart's Kris Kobach for smearing Dreamers as criminals Video & Audio 09/01/17 2:56 PM EDT
Fox Business panel hopeful Houston tragedy will be a “positive” boost to the economy Video & Audio 09/01/17 11:09 AM EDT
For months, pundits have called Trump a populist, but his policies have been about giveaways to the rich Article 08/31/17 3:30 PM EDT
Fox host: Democrats are afraid of tax reform because the economy will grow so much that they won’t win any elections Video & Audio 08/31/17 9:34 AM EDT
CNBC lets Bush's disgraced FEMA director exploit hurricane to pitch privatizing National Flood Insurance Program Video & Audio 08/28/17 10:52 AM EDT
Fox cut away from report on “life-threatening” hurricane for six minutes of Powerball “breaking news” Video & Audio 08/24/17 5:39 PM EDT
Fox News defends Steven Mnuchin's wife after she boasts about flying on government plane by pointing out the rich pay more taxes Video & Audio 08/22/17 8:48 PM EDT
On Fox, Trump defender blames his bad week on the media: Media “want to dehumanize this president” Video & Audio 08/20/17 1:23 PM EDT
Business lobbying coalition recruits right-wing hosts to deliver virtually identical town hall ads Article 08/18/17 11:04 AM EDT
CNN economic analyst fact checks Trump's former economic advisor: Trump “deserves no credit” for current economy Video & Audio 08/16/17 6:28 PM EDT
Fox News and fake news purveyors praise Trump’s North Korea threat that experts call irresponsible Article 08/09/17 4:08 PM EDT
Fox & Friends smears Justice Department settlement practice that funded groups working on behalf of low-income communities Video & Audio 08/07/17 10:24 AM EDT
Some journalists can see through Trump's economic ruse. Time for everyone else to catch up. Article 08/04/17 4:58 PM EDT
Fox's Eric Bolling: Trump a better president than Obama because he hasn't had “race riots” Video & Audio 08/03/17 6:12 PM EDT
The White House is relying on hate groups and their junk research to defend the RAISE Act Article 08/03/17 3:56 PM EDT
Joe Scarborough makes false statements about the economic impact of immigration Video & Audio 08/03/17 11:21 AM EDT
Fox hosts can't keep their facts straight while praising Trump's proposed cuts to legal immigration Video & Audio 08/03/17 9:17 AM EDT