Cable news, particularly Fox, overstated the role of Pennsylvania fracking in the 2020 election Research/Study 11/19/20 2:25 PM EST
Assistant defense secretary nominee Scott O’Grady pushed bogus theory about origin of COVID-19 Article 11/19/20 1:55 PM EST
Assistant defense secretary nominee Scott O’Grady promoted QAnon accounts, right-wing conspiracy theories Article 11/18/20 1:46 PM EST
Fox’s “news side” keeps supporting Trump’s challenges against the 2020 election Article 11/18/20 11:37 AM EST
Right-wing media dismiss efforts to save thousands of lives as a “War on Thanksgiving” Article 11/18/20 7:47 AM EST
Alex Jones calls on supporters to “surround” the Georgia governor’s mansion to prevent election results from being certified Article 11/17/20 3:25 PM EST
The right-wing case for Sweden’s pandemic response has completely collapsed Article 11/17/20 6:43 AM EST
Steve Bannon suggests that Americans should fight and die for a second Trump term Article 11/13/20 1:45 PM EST
Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes says he has men stationed outside of D.C. ready to engage in violence on Trump’s order Article 11/12/20 3:23 PM EST
As coronavirus surges across the country, Fox propagandists are fighting new efforts to slow its spread Article 11/12/20 12:06 PM EST
Right-wing media “Hammer” away with new conspiracy theory about the election Article 11/09/20 3:13 PM EST
Alex Jones says the White House encouraged him to speak at the Arizona anti-democracy event where he made violent threats and fomented civil war Article 11/06/20 5:22 PM EST
Fox News propagandists and GOP leaders are pushing the country toward the abyss Article 11/06/20 12:06 PM EST
CNN lets Donald Trump lie about the election results on national television Article 11/05/20 7:25 PM EST
Right-wing influencers are using the #StopTheSteal hashtag to buoy Trump's attempts to undercut democracy Article 11/04/20 12:37 PM EST
Fox News' plan to hand Trump the election: Invalidate hundreds of thousands of mail-in votes Article 11/04/20 9:31 AM EST
Right-wing media accuse Pennsylvania’s attorney general of rigging the election — because he called for all votes to be counted Article 11/03/20 1:42 PM EST