Media Matters president responds to reports that Jeff Sessions aims to open federal investigation against Facebook, Google, Twitter Article 09/25/18 4:41 PM EDT
National TV news is still failing to properly incorporate climate change into hurricane coverage Research/Study 09/24/18 2:36 PM EDT
Fox & Friends guest likens climate change science to “medieval witchcraft” Video & Audio 09/19/18 9:13 AM EDT
NRATV's Dan Bongino claims Puerto Rico death toll numbers are a conspiracy timed for release as another hurricane approached Video & Audio 09/14/18 8:44 PM EDT
USA Today publishes still more climate misinformation, denying a link between climate change and hurricanes Article 09/14/18 5:25 PM EDT
Hannity invites climate denier Joe Bastardi on his show to deny link between climate change and extreme weather -- again Video & Audio 09/14/18 2:45 PM EDT
Fox Business panel dismisses link between hurricanes and climate change, says “the left” uses climate change to “control everything else” Video & Audio 09/14/18 1:11 PM EDT
USA Today publishes climate denial on its opinion page, nine months after saying it wouldn't Article 09/13/18 4:10 PM EDT
Right-wing media figures are defending Trump’s lies about the Puerto Rican death toll Article 09/13/18 3:35 PM EDT
Fox reporter calls Trump's suggestion that Maria's death toll in Puerto Rico is a hoax part of “his feud with Puerto Rican officials” Video & Audio 09/13/18 1:00 PM EDT
Fox host is outraged that The Wash. Post suggested there's a correlation between Trump's policies and worsening climate change Video & Audio 09/13/18 11:20 AM EDT
Here's a Hurricane Florence environmental justice story that media outlets need to tell Article 09/13/18 11:02 AM EDT
As Florence bears down on the east coast, Fox & Friends questions link between climate change and extreme weather events Video & Audio 09/13/18 8:27 AM EDT
Bill Nye on hurricanes: “This is not in anybody's best interest to continue to deny climate change” Video & Audio 09/12/18 6:05 PM EDT
Sean Hannity defends Trump administration response to Maria in Puerto Rico because “billions and billions of dollars” were spent Video & Audio 09/12/18 4:54 PM EDT
Major media outlets dropped the ball last year on connecting climate change to hurricanes. Will they do better this year? Article 09/12/18 3:46 PM EDT
Rush Limbaugh shares fake story that sharks are flying around in Hurricane Florence Video & Audio 09/12/18 12:32 PM EDT
Rachel Maddow reports Trump administration took $10 million from FEMA to fund immigrant detention and deportation Video & Audio 09/11/18 9:57 PM EDT