The small chorus of pro-Trump figures defending his disastrous presser with Putin Article 07/17/18 12:59 PM EDT
Right-wing media are mad Trump picked Putin over US intelligence. He was just following their lead. Article 07/17/18 12:58 PM EDT
Fox columnist speculates that Trump's weak press conference with Putin was to “protect some agreements” Video & Audio 07/17/18 9:57 AM EDT
Fox's Jeanine Pirro: “What was [Trump] supposed to do, take a gun out and shoot Putin?” Video & Audio 07/17/18 9:25 AM EDT
Laura Ingraham excuses Trump's disastrous press conference: Foreign policy is “complex,” and Trump is “new to it” Video & Audio 07/16/18 10:58 PM EDT
Hannity praises Trump during interview for being “very strong at the end of the press conference” Video & Audio 07/16/18 9:48 PM EDT
Fox guest compares criticism of Trump-Putin press conference to “mob violence” Video & Audio 07/16/18 8:30 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson downplays Russian election interference by claiming Mexico is “routinely interfering in our elections by packing the electorate” Video & Audio 07/16/18 6:24 PM EDT
This far-right online campaign has found an ally in the Trump administration Article 07/16/18 4:52 PM EDT
VIDEO: Before his meeting with Putin, Fox couldn't stop gushing about how “strong” Trump is Article 07/16/18 2:10 PM EDT
Limbaugh calls Trump-Putin joint presser “comedy gold” and mocks American reporters for their questions Video & Audio 07/16/18 2:08 PM EDT
Fox News White House correspondent: Trump played “the role of the peacemaker” at his meeting with Putin Video & Audio 07/16/18 1:14 PM EDT
Fox's Kilmeade: Trump can't admit Russian election meddling because he thinks it makes his presidency look illegitimate Video & Audio 07/16/18 1:11 PM EDT
Fox host after Trump attacks US intelligence community at Russia summit: “We'll see his detractors take a shot at that” Video & Audio 07/16/18 12:48 PM EDT
Fox's Neil Cavuto: “Jet lag and time differences” may be behind Trump's disgraceful press conference with Putin Video & Audio 07/16/18 12:44 PM EDT
Ahead of Trump-Putin meeting, Nigel Farage appears on Fox & Friends to downplay Russian hacking in the 2016 election Article 07/16/18 9:54 AM EDT
A GOP Twitter account is helping spread the baseless internet conspiracy theory QAnon Article 07/15/18 12:31 PM EDT