Sean Hannity praises American civilian militias illegally entering Afghanistan to carry out military style operations Video & Audio 09/07/21 4:57 PM EDT
The new climate “pledge” from the Murdochs is straight from the fossil fuel playbook Article 09/07/21 4:05 PM EDT
OAN keeps pushing bizarre and dangerous misinformation about COVID-19 and vaccines Research/Study 09/03/21 7:06 AM EDT
Sean Hannity attacks the Republicans who aren't trying to impeach Joe Biden Video & Audio 09/02/21 5:24 PM EDT
Right-wing media continue to spread debunked Afghanistan helicopter falsehood Article 09/02/21 2:32 PM EDT
Joe Rogan has recently promoted dangerous COVID-19 misinformation on his Spotify podcast Article 09/02/21 1:35 PM EDT
Timeline: Fox News has repeatedly promoted ivermectin as a therapeutic treatment for COVID-19 Narrative/Timeline 09/02/21 10:14 AM EDT
Sean Hannity promotes “thoroughly debunked” Afghanistan helicopter conspiracy theory Article 09/01/21 9:52 AM EDT
Sean Hannity and Oliver North attack Biden for being too energetic, say he’s taking “injections” and “pills” Video & Audio 08/31/21 7:17 PM EDT
Sean Hannity: “We're going to have a new war on terror and the base of that war is going to begin in Afghanistan” Video & Audio 08/27/21 6:20 PM EDT
Spotify’s Joe Rogan and guest Meghan Murphy spread anti-trans vitriol and lie about COVID-19 vaccines Article 08/27/21 12:21 PM EDT
Sean Hannity endorses Herschel Walker in Georgia’s Republican Senate primary Video & Audio 08/25/21 10:23 PM EDT
Sean Hannity says Joe Biden has bowed “at the altar of terrorists” Video & Audio 08/25/21 10:02 PM EDT
Fox helped turn Herschel Walker into a Senate candidate. Republicans are panicking. Article 08/25/21 12:29 PM EDT
On Fox News, FDA approval of Pfizer's COVID vaccine gets swamped by propaganda Article 08/24/21 12:54 PM EDT
Why the FDA is warning Americans against taking horse drugs for COVID-19 Article 08/23/21 1:59 PM EDT
Listen to Angelo Carusone explain how the undeserved praise from the media for Sean Hannity’s COVID comment caused “a lot of damage” Video & Audio 08/20/21 8:47 PM EDT