Fox uses “lousy” May jobs report to push Trump's job-killing economic agenda Article 06/02/17 2:56 PM EDT
Watch CNN fact-check Republicans' obsession with coal mining jobs Video & Audio 06/02/17 12:43 PM EDT
Right-wing media cheer Trump withdrawing United States from the Paris climate agreement Article 06/01/17 7:21 PM EDT
CNN's Van Jones and Fareed Zakaria destroy Trump's lie that remaining in the Paris climate deal is bad for business Video & Audio 06/01/17 5:12 PM EDT
EPA reportedly helped Paris agreement opponents place op-eds in newspapers Article 06/01/17 12:06 PM EDT
“Mind control,” “shadow government,” and Seth Rich: Sean Hannity’s history of pushing conspiracy theories Research/Study 05/31/17 6:49 PM EDT
Here are the oil and coal companies, Fortune 500 corporations, and Republicans who want to stay in the Paris agreement Article 05/31/17 2:01 PM EDT
Former Bush administration official: Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris agreement “would harm every American” and “devastate our international credibility” Video & Audio 05/31/17 10:23 AM EDT
MSNBC Live lays out business case for staying in the Paris climate agreement Video & Audio 05/30/17 1:47 PM EDT
Newspaper editorials warn Trump it would be dangerous to ditch Paris climate agreement Article 05/25/17 4:02 PM EDT
MSNBC’s Elise Jordan faceplants while trying to find a silver lining in CBO’s new Trumpcare score Article 05/24/17 7:07 PM EDT
Fox guest: “People use food stamps to buy marijuana,” “cocaine,” and “whatever the hell else people use to get high” Video & Audio 05/24/17 5:16 PM EDT
Time's Michael Grunwald on Trump's proposed budget: "In terms of making the numbers add up, it just doesn't work Video & Audio 05/24/17 5:07 PM EDT
Some of the best media take downs of Trump’s “repugnant grab bag” of a budget Article 05/24/17 2:04 PM EDT
Trump’s budget revolves around a glaring broken campaign promise -- the press needs to say so Article 05/24/17 1:26 PM EDT
Fox Host: “What if these war on poverty programs actually didn't exist? Billions of people might be independent” Video & Audio 05/23/17 11:00 PM EDT