Fox's Jesse Watters: White House should “start ripping press passes away” from reporters who ask about family separation at the border Video & Audio 06/14/18 6:31 PM EDT
Three reporters push back on Sarah Sanders' lie that it is simply “following the law” to separate immigrant families Video & Audio 06/14/18 4:47 PM EDT
Fox host defends taking immigrant children from parents because some of the kids may end up in MS-13 Video & Audio 06/04/18 6:37 PM EDT
Fox's Jesse Watters on immigrant children being separated from parents: “Some would say it's a more humane policy” Video & Audio 05/29/18 5:58 PM EDT
Fox News host attacks Steve Kerr for criticizing NFL policy forcing players to stand during national anthem Video & Audio 05/25/18 5:51 PM EDT
Fox News is lying to its viewers about public support for California's sanctuary laws Article 03/20/18 12:52 PM EDT
Right-wing media downplay Cambridge Analytica stealing personal data to help the Trump campaign Article 03/19/18 2:16 PM EDT
CNN highlights the blurred line between the Fox News personalities and staff in the Trump White House Video & Audio 03/15/18 10:33 PM EDT
Fox News hosts excited that Trump's new CIA pick tortured detainees at a CIA black site Video & Audio 03/13/18 6:38 PM EDT
Fox's Jesse Watters: Trump can't be racist because he dated a black model for two years Video & Audio 03/06/18 10:09 PM EST
Fox hosts mock Jennifer Lawrence for saying she will be more politically active Video & Audio 02/20/18 6:28 PM EST
Fox regular blames SNAP program for helping perpetuate obesity in America Video & Audio 02/13/18 8:13 PM EST
Fox's Jesse Watters praises Trump administration's food stamp cuts, incorrectly cites SNAP fraud as major problem Video & Audio 02/13/18 6:41 PM EST
Here are the right-wing media figures defending Trump’s racist “shithole” comment Article 01/12/18 2:15 PM EST
Fox host complains inner-city crime “more offensive” than Trump's “shithole” comments Video & Audio 01/11/18 6:47 PM EST
The 10 most ridiculous things media figures said about climate change and the environment in 2017 Article 12/28/17 7:32 AM EST