Fox & Friends guest claims there is “a permissive culture of violence that is really kind of exploding on the left” Video & Audio 08/24/17 8:52 AM EDT
Fox's Jason Chaffetz: Trump should “hold his ground” on threat to shut down the government over border wall funding Video & Audio 08/24/17 8:23 AM EDT
On Hannity, Joe Arpaio whines about the investigation that found him guilty Video & Audio 08/23/17 11:14 PM EDT
Hannity: Trump has “a history of not being racist” and has “spoken out against racism” his whole life Video & Audio 08/23/17 10:39 PM EDT
Newt Gingrich: The left's opposition to Trump is “almost verbatim” reaction slave newspapers had to Lincoln Video & Audio 08/23/17 9:06 PM EDT
Fox host asks whether Martin Luther King Jr. would have recoiled at Confederate statues Video & Audio 08/23/17 6:19 PM EDT
Jake Tapper: The president wants to pardon Joe Arpaio, who pushed Trump's racist birther campaign Video & Audio 08/23/17 4:52 PM EDT
Fox & Friends quickly cuts to commercial after restaurant patron holds up “Fox lies” sign on air Video & Audio 08/23/17 9:56 AM EDT
Fox's Brian Kilmeade: Not funding Trump's border wall would be “anti-American” Video & Audio 08/23/17 6:59 AM EDT
Fox guest calls John McCain's vote to save health care “one of the worst acts of political cowardice” Video & Audio 08/23/17 12:08 AM EDT
CNN's Don Lemon: Trump's speech sounded like a “child blaming a sibling” for something he did Video & Audio 08/22/17 11:50 PM EDT
Trump gushes about Hannity and Fox & Friends coverage, warns the network to continue its friendly coverage Video & Audio 08/22/17 11:15 PM EDT
This is part of Trump's 20-minute attack on the media during rally in Phoenix Video & Audio 08/22/17 11:15 PM EDT
Trump attacks CNN for firing Jeffrey Lord for tweeting out a Nazi salute Video & Audio 08/22/17 10:57 PM EDT
Fox News defends Steven Mnuchin's wife after she boasts about flying on government plane by pointing out the rich pay more taxes Video & Audio 08/22/17 8:48 PM EDT
Fox's Kilmeade says NFL players are “creating chaos” by taking a knee during the national anthem Video & Audio 08/22/17 6:43 PM EDT