Survey of environmental journalists reveals good and bad news about local climate reporting Article 03/15/18 2:25 PM EDT
Limbaugh questions Stephen Hawking's promotion of the Big Bang Theory: “Since nobody could see it, how the hell do they know it really happened?” Video & Audio 03/14/18 6:06 PM EDT
Trump’s pick for National Economic Council is a CNBC host who gives bad financial advice Research/Study 03/13/18 2:50 PM EDT
Sean Hannity and Roger Stone praise Julian Assange: “He’s an courageous journalist who has an incredible track record for accuracy” Video & Audio 03/06/18 10:15 PM EST
Scott Pruitt appeared on Fox more than twice as often as other major TV networks combined in his first year at EPA Research/Study 03/02/18 11:25 AM EST
Mark Levin thinks his new Fox show can prevent American decline. Too bad it’s glacially boring. Article 02/27/18 11:24 AM EST
Sunday shows' climate coverage in 2017 included few women, fewer minorities, and zero scientists Research/Study 02/22/18 12:46 PM EST
NRATV host finds a way to blame the Parkland school shooting on the Obama administration Video & Audio 02/20/18 1:48 PM EST
The mainstream media missed big climate stories while getting played by Trump Article 02/20/18 7:44 AM EST
On The Bill Press Show, Lisa Hymas explains broadcast media's failures in covering climate change Video & Audio 02/14/18 11:40 AM EST
Cable and broadcast news ignored a huge story about FEMA malpractice in Puerto Rico Article 02/07/18 5:10 PM EST
CNN’s Jake Tapper fact-checks the hell out of Trump’s error-filled climate comments Video & Audio 01/30/18 11:12 AM EST
USA Today claims it doesn't publish climate-denying op-eds. That's not true. Article 01/29/18 2:40 PM EST
Breitbart editor-at-large: The recent attempted mass shooting at CNN was “provoked by CNN’s fake news” Video & Audio 01/29/18 12:25 PM EST