Fox's Doocy blames “the deep state” for NY Times report about Trump Jr. meeting with Kremlin-linked lawyer Video & Audio 07/10/17 8:43 AM EDT
Fox host on criticism of Ivanka Trump sitting in at the G20: “Are Democrats reigniting the war on women?” Video & Audio 07/10/17 8:41 AM EDT
With stunning ignorance, Fox host somehow touts company's “determination to move quickly” on cases of sexual misconduct Video & Audio 07/09/17 3:13 PM EDT
Newt Gingrich pushes myth that able-bodied adults are freeloading off Medicaid to suggest work requirement Video & Audio 07/09/17 1:36 PM EDT
On Fox, Corey Lewandowski says Putin's denial of Russia hacking US election makes the issue “officially dead” Video & Audio 07/09/17 11:56 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson says Sec. of Defense Mattis should resign if he allows transgender Americans to serve in the military Video & Audio 07/07/17 9:43 PM EDT
Pro-Trump media claim “shadow President” Obama is violating the Logan Act Article 07/07/17 5:29 PM EDT
5 of the most batshit, xenophobic and racist reactions Trump’s “West”-centric Warsaw speech drew Article 07/07/17 5:29 PM EDT
Fox’s Kilmeade: CNN “went unhinged" after Trump tweeted an anti-CNN video Video & Audio 07/07/17 11:11 AM EDT
On SiriusXM’s Make It Plain, Angelo Carusone explains how Trump and his media allies target any critical press Video & Audio 07/07/17 10:16 AM EDT
Trump's lawyer and frequent Fox guest Jay Sekulow demands to know why there isn't a special counsel for Obama Video & Audio 07/07/17 9:21 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson: American “elites” are a bigger threat to America than ISIS Video & Audio 07/06/17 9:27 PM EDT
Fox guest: To address violence in Chicago, “lock them up and throw away the key” Video & Audio 07/06/17 6:21 PM EDT
“This is decidedly not a riot”: Shep Smith corrects Fox News colleague's characterization of G20 protests as violent Video & Audio 07/06/17 4:37 PM EDT
How anti-choice zealots cry censorship whenever they are challenged Research/Study 07/06/17 3:46 PM EDT
Fox talked about what Trump must discuss with Putin. You can guess what they didn't mention. Video & Audio 07/06/17 2:21 PM EDT