Hannity says he is “making progress” investigating Seth Rich's death, calls critics the real conspiracy theorists Video & Audio 05/30/17 10:47 PM EDT
Brit Hume laments Portland murders are getting more press coverage than a protest at Evergreen State College Video & Audio 05/30/17 9:05 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson says it's unfair to call the Portland attacker a white supremacist Video & Audio 05/30/17 8:56 PM EDT
How a 2014 story about Russia went from a fringe blog to Fox News in just a few days Article 05/30/17 5:37 PM EDT
Fox's Gregg Jarrett: “You can collude all you want with a foreign government in an election” Video & Audio 05/30/17 4:15 PM EDT
CNN host calls out Trump's hypocrisy over not trusting anonymous sources Video & Audio 05/30/17 2:05 PM EDT
Fox & Friends attempts to smear anti-bullying efforts, claims anti-Muslim bullying isn't happening Video & Audio 05/30/17 10:58 AM EDT
Sweden is the gateway to the “alt-right” anti-immigrant agenda in Europe Article 05/30/17 8:03 AM EDT
Fox & Friends attacks “mainstream media” for reporting on Kushner's communications with the Russians Video & Audio 05/30/17 7:53 AM EDT
Sunday shows ignore Angela Merkel saying Europe can no longer rely on the United States Article 05/28/17 3:00 PM EDT
Hannity repeatedly pushed stories after Fox backed away from or retracted them Article 05/28/17 9:11 AM EDT
Angelo Carusone tells Smerconish: Hannity pressuring advertisers will “antagonize and inflame the situation” Video & Audio 05/27/17 11:13 AM EDT
On The National, Angelo Carusone: Advertisers are leaving Hannity's show because of what the Seth Rich controversy represents, “Sean Hannity's volatility” Video & Audio 05/26/17 10:44 PM EDT
Fox's Eric Bolling claims CAIR doesn't want to condemn recent terror attacks, ignoring they already have Video & Audio 05/26/17 6:16 PM EDT