Levin cited “global cooling” study to dismiss efforts to “control carbon dioxide” emissions, ignoring warning by study's co-author not to do so Article 11/20/08 5:02 PM EST
Conservative radio hosts accuse Dems of “trying to steal” MN Senate election -- but there's no evidence, according to GOP governor Article 11/13/08 8:11 PM EST
Women, minorities, autistic children: Conservative radio's vitriol not reserved for Obama Article 11/13/08 9:40 AM EST
In the days before the election, media figures have repeatedly compared Obama to Hitler Article 10/31/08 4:31 PM EDT
In criticizing liberals for purported sexism, conservative media figures have engaged in their own Article 09/19/08 1:04 PM EDT
Levin on his “National Organization of Ugly Women” remark: "[F]or now on, it's the National Organization of Really Ugly Women" Article 09/09/08 6:57 PM EDT
Levin: “It's not the National Organization of Liberal Women. It's the National Organization of Ugly Women” Article 09/05/08 8:36 PM EDT
Levin attacks “Jon Leibowitz, a.k.a Jon Stewart”: “I'm really tired of these phony intellectuals ... arrogantly looking down their sizable noses at our armed forces” Video & Audio 07/18/08 7:27 PM EDT
Levin falsely accused Obama of lying about McCain's position on immigration reform Article 07/09/08 7:31 PM EDT
Levin, MacCallum falsely accused Obama of inconsistency on whether Iranian Revolutionary Guard should be designated a terrorist group Article 06/06/08 7:59 PM EDT
Claiming McCain “tangled with conservatives before” on taxes and immigration, Shuster didn't note reversals Article 05/14/08 4:57 PM EDT
CNN contributor Bennett's donation to McCain not disclosed during discussion of senator Article 02/08/08 8:29 PM EST
Dick Morris claimed anti-Clinton movie can't be screened, but film's executive producer says otherwise Article 01/16/08 5:27 PM EST
Citing “our friend Drudge,” Levin reported “John Edwards love child scandal” Article 12/19/07 6:57 PM EST