Jeff Gerth appears in trailer for anti-Clinton film by Republican activist Bossie and is listed among cast Article 12/19/07 2:09 PM EST
On Hannity & Colmes, Bozell asserted -- despite complete lack of evidence -- that Hillary Clinton was “behind” obtaining confidential FBI files Article 11/14/07 12:39 PM EST
Olbermann named Denver radio host “Worst Person” for mischaracterizing Gen. Clark's comment about Tillman Video & Audio 08/06/07 3:09 PM EDT
White House soirée, part deux: Beck, Bennett, Ingraham, Medved, and others met with Bush Article 08/02/07 8:20 PM EDT
On Meet the Press, Gerth and Van Natta cling to falsehood about Clinton's criticism of Bush on war Article 06/10/07 3:02 PM EDT
NY Times excerpt of Her Way falsely claimed Clinton “first” accused Bush of misusing Iraq authorization in 2006 Article 05/30/07 2:40 PM EDT
ABC, Fox News reported on Rice meeting with Syrian foreign minister without noting relentless criticism of Pelosi trip Article 05/07/07 5:41 PM EDT
O'Reilly recalled when “everybody in the country is behind [Iraq war], except the kooks” Article 05/03/07 5:08 PM EDT
On Hannity radio show, WABC's Levin said of Pelosi: “You could bounce a dime off her cheeks” Article 04/06/07 2:31 PM EDT
Self-described Nobel Peace Prize “accredited nominee” Limbaugh: “I don't even know why Gore's qualified for this” Video & Audio 04/03/07 11:43 AM EDT
Roberts echoed Balz assertion of Clinton shift from “staunch[ ] support[ ]” of Iraq war Article 01/19/07 8:04 PM EST
On Lou Dobbs Tonight, Simone falsely claimed “a month ago, both Pelosi and Reid were for more troops” Article 01/18/07 1:37 PM EST
“Hannity & Colmes exclusive” to feature “Swift Boat veterans' react[ion]” to Kerry comments Article 11/02/06 2:48 PM EST