Fox's Ed Rollins bemoans “the morality police” for calling on Roy Moore to exit AL Senate race Video & Audio 11/13/17 8:46 PM EST
While Hannity was talking about Keurig, more advertisers distanced themselves from him Article 11/13/17 5:21 PM EST
Rush Limbaugh: Former intelligence chiefs are conducting a “silent coup” against Trump Video & Audio 11/13/17 5:01 PM EST
Cable news largely ignores the Trump administration's latest assault on protections for immigrant families Article 11/13/17 3:47 PM EST
On HLN's Across America, Media Matters' Matt Gertz explains why advertisers are abandoning Sean Hannity Video & Audio 11/13/17 1:37 PM EST
Trump mirrors right-wing media plea to scuttle ACA's individual mandate in GOP tax plan Article 11/13/17 1:30 PM EST, which is walking back its decision to not sponsor Sean Hannity, is run by the Murdochs Article 11/13/17 12:28 PM EST
Conservatives have been using a made-up statistic to smear undocumented immigrants for over a decade Article 11/13/17 12:07 PM EST
Hannity turns to white supremacists to help him spite Keurig for pulling ads from his show Article 11/13/17 11:13 AM EST
Fox & Friends' Kilmeade: “The president, I think, if you were doing an honest analysis, he's having a superb trip” Video & Audio 11/13/17 8:57 AM EST
Fox & Friends Weekend host: “Has the press literally undermined the president's trip” in Asia? Video & Audio 11/12/17 1:18 PM EST
Here's what Sean Hannity was “clear and unambiguous” about regarding Roy Moore Article 11/10/17 4:42 PM EST
CNN hosted an astounding and heartbreaking town hall about sexual harassment last night Article 11/10/17 2:28 PM EST
Rush Limbaugh: Roy Moore report is based on “the 40-year-old childhood memories of a wacky woman” Video & Audio 11/10/17 1:12 PM EST
Media Matters submits supporting evidence after testifying to U.K. regulator against 21st Century Fox, Sky deal Article 11/10/17 12:22 PM EST