Greeley Tribune, Fort Collins Now quoted GOP lawmakers on Preble's mouse ruling but omitted key detail about it Article 11/13/07 7:39 PM EST
AP reported RNC demand for Clinton email disclosure but ignored allegations of RNC's improper handling of email Article 11/13/07 4:05 PM EST
ABC's The Note, NBC's First Read, Drudge Report, Politico's Mike Allen continue to highlight Politico's false assertion on Dem Iraq bills Article 11/13/07 3:33 PM EST
On Special Report, Krauthammer asserted that Giuliani's recommendation of Kerik for DHS secretary “is, in some odd way, exonerating” Article 11/11/07 2:14 PM EST
Savage: "[L]oving, kind lesbian" is “the type that stuffed ovens in Hitler's concentration camps” Article 11/09/07 5:59 PM EST
Media reported on complaints about Clinton archives without noting concerns surrounding Giuliani's papers Article 11/07/07 7:34 PM EST
Chris Matthews claimed, “Deceit is what drives me crazy,” but what about Giuliani's “deceit”? Article 11/07/07 3:41 PM EST
Willey rehashes Vince Foster conspiracy theories, draws parallels to her husband's death, Hsu's attempted suicide Article 11/06/07 8:07 PM EST
Boyles enlisted Weld Co. DA in attacking newspapers over ICE raid study, ignored coverage of DA's press conference criticizing it Article 11/06/07 3:46 PM EST
NRO's Murdock: “Waterboarding is something of which every American should be proud” Article 11/05/07 5:19 PM EST
On PBS, Slate's Dickerson claimed GOP can say “Democrats are going to raise taxes” with AMT fix Article 11/04/07 4:28 PM EST
Rocky article on threatened Preble's mouse omitted key scientific determinations Article 11/02/07 5:01 PM EDT
On CNN, West asserted waterboarding is “not torture,” claimed, "[Y]ou wake up feeling fine the next day" Article 11/02/07 4:57 PM EDT
MSNBC's Carlson invoked Lorena Bobbitt to claim Clinton is tapping into women's anger toward men Article 11/01/07 9:41 PM EDT
Olbermann named Kondracke “Worst Person” “winner” for waterboarding comments; Gibson “runner-up” Video & Audio 11/01/07 3:29 PM EDT