New White House communications director lashed out at Trump in 2015 for being “another hack politician” Video & Audio 07/21/17 1:06 PM EDT
Fox host: Trump is right to go on the offensive against Mueller because his investigation “is a witch hunt, and it has gotten out of control” Video & Audio 07/21/17 12:51 PM EDT
Fox's Steve Doocy: Mueller “wasn't hired to get” Trump's tax returns Video & Audio 07/21/17 9:32 AM EDT
Newt Gingrich: Russia investigation “is a very dangerous witch hunt that Mueller keeps expanding” Video & Audio 07/20/17 11:01 PM EDT
Somehow, Sean Hannity managed to talk about Hillary Clinton more than health care in the last week Article 07/20/17 7:38 PM EDT
Ben Stein: Robert Mueller wants to kill Trump's political career and take away his freedom Video & Audio 07/20/17 5:48 PM EDT
Fox analyst laments that government provides health care through Medicare and Medicaid Video & Audio 07/20/17 2:25 PM EDT
The NY Times missed an opportunity to press Trump on health care specifics Article 07/20/17 12:26 PM EDT
Fox News is unusually focused on the nationality of the officer who shot Justine Damond (he's Somali-American) Article 07/20/17 12:20 PM EDT
Morning Joe doesn't push back when Rand Paul compares CBO methodology to “astrology” Video & Audio 07/20/17 10:09 AM EDT
CNN's pro-Trump shill Jeffrey Lord: Trump would “have a huge political advantage” if he fired Russia investigator Video & Audio 07/20/17 10:06 AM EDT
Fox & Friends hosts defend Trump's attacks on Sessions' recusal: “Donald Trump is a fighter” Video & Audio 07/20/17 8:07 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson hosts Rep. Steve King who insults obese Americans and calls for a border wall funded by cutting Planned Parenthood Video & Audio 07/19/17 10:16 PM EDT
Corey Lewandowski: Trump's undisclosed meeting with Putin happened only because the president “saw his beautiful wife” Video & Audio 07/19/17 11:37 AM EDT
Alex Jones won't start the next American civil war, but he is ready to finish it Article 07/19/17 10:19 AM EDT
Fox host: Republicans who didn't support repealing ACA are “starting to look more and more like the Democratic Party” Video & Audio 07/19/17 7:03 AM EDT