While the votes were counted, Fox News kept pushing false voter-fraud conspiracy theories about Georgia Senate races Article 01/06/21 11:51 AM EST
Fox News contributor Newt Gingrich calls Biden’s election the worst assault on America, “maybe since the previous Civil War” Video & Audio 01/05/21 6:48 PM EST
After repeatedly telling people that the election was stolen, Fox News now justifies efforts to overturn it because Republicans “feel” it was rigged Article 01/05/21 4:20 PM EST
Trump is giving the Medal of Freedom to Jim Jordan, the member of Congress with the most Fox News appearances Article 01/05/21 1:55 PM EST
Sean Hannity is impressed by his producer's attempt to overturn Georgia's presidential election results Article 01/04/21 6:02 PM EST
Sean Hannity on Trump’s Georgia phone call: “The idea that he was pressuring the secretary of state was baloney” Video & Audio 01/04/21 4:39 PM EST
James O'Keefe and Project Veritas spent 2020 trying to undermine the election. They failed. Article 01/04/21 1:16 PM EST
Conservatives flocked to Parler to “speak freely” after the election. A month later, the platform has stalled as fewer people are actively using it. Research/Study 12/21/20 5:01 PM EST
As Trump tries to blow up Section 230, Fox News fuels a campaign of misinformation Article 12/21/20 8:14 AM EST
Sean Hannity on presidential election: “There's no doubt this was stolen” Video & Audio 12/18/20 6:14 PM EST
Rush Limbaugh's deranged 2020: From denying the pandemic to supporting a coup Article 12/18/20 9:08 AM EST
In a preview of the next four years, right-wing media refuse to admit that Joe Biden is the president-elect Article 12/17/20 11:59 AM EST