Beck freaks out about Six Flags' “Muslim Day,” compares it to having “Japanese Day” after Pearl Harbor Video & Audio 07/20/10 9:41 AM EDT
UPDATED: Myths and falsehoods about Elena Kagan's Supreme Court nomination Article 07/19/10 10:41 PM EDT
As Kelly continues to spew GOP talking points, Colmes points out that polls show Obama “doing very well” Video & Audio 07/16/10 5:41 PM EDT
Beck says financial and health care bills are “a chain around the neck of our country” Video & Audio 07/15/10 6:41 PM EDT
Fox revives campaign-era smear that Obama “supports sex ed for kindergarteners” Article 07/13/10 1:41 PM EDT
Palin falsely claims “there was never racial profiling in” the AZ immigration bill “to start with” Video & Audio 07/12/10 9:41 PM EDT
Right-wing media launch bizarre attack on electric truck company Obama visited Article 07/09/10 1:37 PM EDT
O'Reilly: I didn't cover NASA chief Bolden's Muslim comments because “I don't have a problem” with them Video & Audio 07/08/10 8:41 PM EDT
Doocy falsely claims DOJ “has not explained” decision in New Black Panther Party case Article 07/06/10 2:41 PM EDT
Beck mocks portrait of female Founder: “Either the art was really, really bad back then or they just had ugly, ugly people” Video & Audio 07/02/10 5:41 PM EDT
UPDATED: Pelosi was right: Economists say unemployment insurance stimulates the economy Article 07/02/10 1:52 PM EDT
Severin cites “fiction[al]” Indonesian movie to bolster birther, madrassa claims Article 07/01/10 7:41 PM EDT
Fox confuses “bailout” with “stimulus” and declares the stimulus “didn't work” Article 07/01/10 12:52 PM EDT