Limbaugh: “The Arizona law is the equivalent of the blue dress. And Obama's not backing down” Video & Audio 05/21/10 1:41 PM EDT
EXCLUSIVE: Expert criticizes Stossel's “ahistorical” remarks on Civil Rights Act Article 05/20/10 5:41 PM EDT
Stossel calls for repeal of public accommodations section of Civil Rights Act Video & Audio 05/20/10 2:41 PM EDT
Chris Wallace: “Pennsylvanians weren't voting on the Obama Agenda. They were voting on Arlen Specter” Video & Audio 05/19/10 10:41 AM EDT
Palin: “President Obama had to run as a quasi-conservative while he was candidate Obama” Video & Audio 05/18/10 9:41 PM EDT
Right-wing media converge on baseless claim that Obama admin. “apologized” to China for AZ law Article 05/18/10 2:41 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “This is a great day for Obama” because of “chaos” and “tumult” Video & Audio 05/14/10 12:41 PM EDT
Right-wing media refuse to admit that Kagan didn't “kick military recruiters” off campus Article 05/11/10 12:41 PM EDT
Right-wing media attack Obama over “unambiguously ... strong” jobs report Article 05/07/10 1:41 PM EDT