Steve Bannon attacks “the Murdoch enterprise” for being “off the chain in coming after” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
From the January 29, 2025, edition of Real America's Voice's War Room
STEVE BANNON (HOST): Wyden is providing air cover right now for Big Pharma. This is why I think in this town, as I say, Republicans and Democrats, the labels mean nothing. You're either populist nationalist or you're a globalist elite. You either believe in America first, American citizens first, or you're a neoliberal neocon. Two sides of the same coin.
Who's coming after Bobby Kennedy today is — and defending Big Pharma, is the Murdoch enterprise, particularly the Wall Street Journal. Paul Gigot and these guys are off the chain in coming after Bobby Kennedy.
Now you just see right there Wyden was softballing his kind of opening, and he's getting lit up still on social media. He's getting lit up as a defender of, and this is a Democrat, this is the ranking member, he's getting lit up as a defender of Big Pharma.