Steve Bannon says that Trump will appoint Fox host Larry Kudlow as Treasury secretary or head of the National Economic Council


From the November 2, 2024 edition of WABC's Larry Kudlow Show

STEVE BANNON (GUEST): I would just like to have — if President Trump just focused on the economics and the jobs and his wheelhouse in the next three days, you might have a popular vote win. But I want people to focus just on, let's get to 270 or north, let’s put this thing away and let’s get this margin so big that they can’t — that President Trump can step up at 11 o’clock on Tuesday night before the 11 o’clock news and say hey, I’ve got this.

LARRY KUDLOW (HOST): I really want him to focus, I’m going to try to get a hold of him this afternoon just to put in – you know, I love to talk to him periodically. I think he’s got to really – you had a terrible jobs report yesterday, Steve Bannon; manufacturing jobs crashing, private sector jobs crashing, native-born jobs crashing. I really want him to focus on the economy, on inflation, gasoline prices and the border. 

You know, I don’t care about Liz Cheney, I don’t care about Mark Cuban or any of these other things and nobody believes he’s a fascist anyway, the threat to democracy. I want him to focus, you know, the working class themes, the working class themes, Steve.

BANNON: Look, he loves watching your show, you know, on Fox Business, he thinks very highly of you. You know, you’ll probably be one of the top guys. You’ll either be Secretary of the Treasury or NEC or something, or at least you’ll be offered that, whether you take it or not.