War Room guest and TPUSA Faith partner John Amanchukwu: “They are intentionally trying to rewire our kids and it must end”
Amanchukwu to Steve Bannon: “They want to pervert the minds of our children. Some people call it grooming, some people call it indoctrination, but I call it mental rape.”
From the August 30, 2023, edition of War Room
STEVE BANNON (HOST): Wow. A man of the people. You saw that the audience was supporting John Amanachukwu, joins us again. John, tell us - what is going on here? And where were you reading from before they cut your mic off and why did they cut your mic off?
JOHN AMANACHUKWU: Yeah I was reading from a book entitled Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, it's allowed in middle schools in Vero Beach, Florida. People are losing their minds at school board meetings. We have board members who have special interests. They want to pervert the minds of our children. Some people call it grooming, some people call it indoctrination, but I call it mental rape. We are contending with mental rapists and I call it mental rape because it assaults the soul, it stains the brain, and it robs children of their innocence.
Now when you consider this, I guess we have three strikes and you're out now in a school board meeting. I came and read from a pornographic book that children have access to in their district but they kept cutting me off. She said you know what, I'm going to stop you, I'm not going to allow you to read that and the message is this, if kids can read it at school what's wrong with adults hearing it in public at a school board meeting? The problem is they know it's nasty, they know it's vile. They know that they are leading children towards a place where they won't be able to have a understanding clearly of what sex truly is. They are intentionally trying to rewire our kids and it must end.