DAVE LANDAU (GUEST HOST): Let's talk about -- you guys know Elliot Page? Used to be Ellen Page, now goes by Elliot. She had herself a little surgery. Yep, she had her, how do you say it medically?
LANDAU: He. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to misgender. I'm dead serious, don't get all pissed off.
GERALD MORGAN (CO-HOST): Listen, it's a recent development. Give us time to adjust.
LANDAU: It is.
LANDAU: He says I'm fully who I am. “It has completely transformed my life."
MORGAN: Or at least my chest. Not the bottom yet. But partially completely.
LANDAU: The breasts will be auctioned off on eBay.
MORGAN: Very popular in Asia, if I remember correctly.
LANDAU: You can get them out of a vending machine.
LANDAU: Let's talk about this. Captain America, speaking of LGBTQ, Marvel has reimagined Captain America to be a gay man. Yeah, I guess -- I don't know if you've seen the picture of him, he does, he looks like a twink which I don't get. Couldn't he just be gay and look like Captain America always looks?
Does he have to look like he sells ecstasy outside of a rave in the year 2001? Like he looks like he hacked up Angel Melendez and threw him in the river.
Well, congratulations to Captain America. He's now a gay man. But Louder with Crowder has obtained some exclusive new story details. Cap's main conflict is not with the Nazis. No. But instead he battles against complications arising from sharing his super serum needles.
Captain America brought AIDS into this office. Marvel is really playing catch up since DC actually did this first with AIDS Superman. Did you know that? Yeah. That's a real ad in France to prevent AIDS. Because it's not just kryptonite that affects Superman, it's also three other, three letters that brought him to his final resting place. TLC.