Steven Crowder calls for a “fairness doctrine” in public school curriculum


From the August 17, 2022, edition of Louder with Crowder, streamed on YouTube

STEVEN CROWDER (HOST): If you're complaining that you cannot teach children that the Buffalo shooter was a white supremacist, how about we have some kind of a fairness doctrine in schools? You want to teach ethno-mathematics? OK, you also have to teach that the evil, white Western European nations ended slavery and created the electricity and modern educational system that you enjoy.

GERALD MORGAN (CO-HOST): That sounds fair.

CROWDER: Just give some equal time. You want to teach that we had slavery here in this country? Of course, you can, of course, you should. It's a black dot. You have to teach who sold those slaves. And that they still are selling slaves. How about that? How about that?

DAVE LANDAU (CO-HOST): Are you saying teach facts?

CROWDER: I'm saying teach – even if you want to give an opinion, give both sides of it. Is that something we can do? A fairness doctrine for education. Why should it apply to Sean Hannity's AM radio show and not to the people who spend eight hours a day with your kids? Comment below. Does that seem like something we can all be on board with?

MORGAN: I am. I'd vote for you. 

CROWDER: If you're going to teach Buffalo, teach Waukesha. Also, while we're at it, teach the empirical crime statistics - break them up by race.