Fox Business host calls 884,000 new jobless claims “a pretty good number”
Stuart Varney: “So I guess you could say that we have a recovery in progress. This points towards a recovery”
From the September 10, 2020, edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom
SANDRA SMITH (ANCHOR): Stu, this is another data point for the U.S. economy, while we still struggle to come out of this pandemic and recover. What does this tell us?
STUART VARNEY (HOST, VARNEY & CO.): You're talking about the 884,000 first-time jobless claims reported about an hour ago this morning. OK, that's a pretty good number. For the second week in a row we've got lower -- less than 1,000,000 new jobless claims. So I guess you could say that we have a recovery in progress. This points towards a recovery. It's not particularly vigorous at this particular moment, but we are recovering.