Suzanne Malveaux CNN national correspondent Suzanne Malveaux is a national correspondent for CNN and previously co-anchored CNN’s Around the World. Prior to joining CNN in 2002, she was a correspondent for NBC News. Featured CNN's Malveaux asks if veterans are being “forced to face a variation of the so-called death panels” Video & Audio 08/24/09 8:17 PM EDT CNN's New Day Highlights Trump's Foreign Policy Flip-Flops On Iraq, Libya, And Nuclear Weapons Video & Audio 06/06/16 11:25 AM EDT REPORT: Conservative Media's “Gun-Free Zone” Myth Infects CNN And Fox News Following Oregon Community College Shooting Article 10/08/15 1:16 PM EDT The Latest CNN's Bash: Dems “defy the president point blank” in approving subpoenas Article 03/21/07 3:18 PM EDT CNN, Fox News cited Giuliani claims that firefighters union's criticisms are partisan -- but NYC affiliate endorsed Bush in 2004 Article 03/09/07 8:56 PM EST CNN's Malveaux falsehood: “Libby is the only [Bush] administration official to be convicted of a crime” Article 03/08/07 2:52 PM EST O'Donnell, Hannity baselessly report that Bush called for “timetable” Article 01/11/07 4:46 PM EST CNN's Schneider noted that “surge” implies “temporary” -- so why does CNN use the term? Article 01/05/07 9:18 PM EST “Media Matters”; by Jamison Foser Article 01/05/07 8:19 PM EST CNN's Henry and Malveaux: Does John Edwards want to “give up” in Iraq? Video & Audio 01/02/07 5:04 PM EST CNN “surpris[ed]” at Dem reaction to Bush's “conciliatory” tone, effort to “press the reset button” Article 12/21/06 7:13 PM EST Media did not report Gates sworn in 12 days after Senate confirmation because of Texas A&M commencement Article 12/19/06 5:46 PM EST CNN's Malveaux baselessly claimed host of southern and western states are “friendly territory” for Bush Article 11/03/06 7:32 PM EST NY Times, CNN's Malveaux repeated claim that terrorism is a “winning” and “strong” issue for GOP, despite polls showing otherwise Article 10/18/06 5:52 PM EDT CNN's Malveaux: Bush “lifeline” to Hastert followed Hastert's “taking responsibility” for Foley scandal Article 10/13/06 5:06 PM EDT Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Current page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Next page Next ›
CNN's Malveaux asks if veterans are being “forced to face a variation of the so-called death panels” Video & Audio 08/24/09 8:17 PM EDT
CNN's New Day Highlights Trump's Foreign Policy Flip-Flops On Iraq, Libya, And Nuclear Weapons Video & Audio 06/06/16 11:25 AM EDT
REPORT: Conservative Media's “Gun-Free Zone” Myth Infects CNN And Fox News Following Oregon Community College Shooting Article 10/08/15 1:16 PM EDT
CNN's Bash: Dems “defy the president point blank” in approving subpoenas Article 03/21/07 3:18 PM EDT
CNN, Fox News cited Giuliani claims that firefighters union's criticisms are partisan -- but NYC affiliate endorsed Bush in 2004 Article 03/09/07 8:56 PM EST
CNN's Malveaux falsehood: “Libby is the only [Bush] administration official to be convicted of a crime” Article 03/08/07 2:52 PM EST
CNN's Schneider noted that “surge” implies “temporary” -- so why does CNN use the term? Article 01/05/07 9:18 PM EST
CNN's Henry and Malveaux: Does John Edwards want to “give up” in Iraq? Video & Audio 01/02/07 5:04 PM EST
CNN “surpris[ed]” at Dem reaction to Bush's “conciliatory” tone, effort to “press the reset button” Article 12/21/06 7:13 PM EST
Media did not report Gates sworn in 12 days after Senate confirmation because of Texas A&M commencement Article 12/19/06 5:46 PM EST
CNN's Malveaux baselessly claimed host of southern and western states are “friendly territory” for Bush Article 11/03/06 7:32 PM EST
NY Times, CNN's Malveaux repeated claim that terrorism is a “winning” and “strong” issue for GOP, despite polls showing otherwise Article 10/18/06 5:52 PM EDT
CNN's Malveaux: Bush “lifeline” to Hastert followed Hastert's “taking responsibility” for Foley scandal Article 10/13/06 5:06 PM EDT