Time poll rehashed smears of Obama: an unpatriotic “elitist” who lies about his faith

A Time/SRBI poll asked likely voters with an “unfavorable opinion” of Sen. Barack Obama to respond to various “reasons that voters give us for having an unfavorable opinion of Barack Obama,” which included: “He's really a Muslim and not a Christian”; “He's an elitist who doesn't understand the needs of ordinary people”; and, “He's not as patriotic as he should be.”

The most recent Time/SRBI poll, conducted September 26-29, asked likely voters with an “unfavorable opinion” of Sen. Barack Obama to respond to various “reasons that voters give us for having an unfavorable opinion of Barack Obama.” Among the “reasons” the poll offered were attacks on Obama's character, including suggesting he has lied about his religion: “He's really a Muslim and not a Christian”; “He's an elitist who doesn't understand the needs of ordinary people”; and, “He's not as patriotic as he should be.” The poll also asked all respondents how well various “statements describe Barack Obama and his campaign for the presidency.” Among the “statements” the poll offered was: “The real Barack Obama holds extreme positions which won't be revealed until after he's elected, no matter what he says now.” Neither the October 1 Time.com article on the poll nor the questionnaire posted on SRBI's website gives any indication that respondents were told of reasons that voters might hold “an unfavorable opinion” of McCain or were asked to give reasons why they hold such an opinion of McCain -- even though the poll itself found that more respondents hold an unfavorable view of McCain than of Obama. Nor were they asked if the “real” John McCain “holds extreme positions which won't be revealed until after he's elected, no matter what he says now.”

From the September 26-29 Time/SRBI poll:

Q13. How well do each of the following statements describe Barack Obama and his campaign for the presidency?

D) The real Barack Obama holds extreme positions which won't be revealed until after he's elected, no matter what he says now


Q19a. Here are some reasons that voters give us for having an unfavorable opinion of Barack Obama. For each one tell me if it's a major reason that you have an unfavorable opinion, a minor reason, or no reason at all?

E) He's really a Muslim and not a Christian


Q19a. Here are some reasons that voters give us for having an unfavorable opinion of Barack Obama. For each one tell me if it's a major reason that you have an unfavorable opinion, a minor reason, or no reason at all?

F) He's an elitist who doesn't understand the needs of ordinary people


Q19a. Here are some reasons that voters give us for having an unfavorable opinion of Barack Obama. For each one tell me if it's a major reason that you have an unfavorable opinion, a minor reason, or no reason at all?

G) He's not as patriotic as he should be