MSNBC's Carlson on CNN's Apocalypse fixation: “Only at CNN could people have such contempt for the intelligence of so-called conservative Christians”

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During the “Beat the Press” segment on the August 1 edition of MSNBC's Tucker, host Tucker Carlson noted, as Media Matters for America also documented, that a segment on the July 31 edition of CNN's Paula Zahn Now marked the “the third time in as many weeks, CNN has devoted an entire segment to the possibility that the Apocalypse might be approaching.” As R.E.M.'s "It's the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" played in the background, Carlson said that CNN's decision showed “contempt for the intelligence of so-called conservative Christians that they could believe that they believe this skirmish -- these series of skirmishes constitute the beginning of the Apocalypse.”

Zahn also aired a segment on the Apocalypse on the July 24 edition of Paula Zahn Now. As Media Matters has noted, CNN is one of several news outlets that has covered reports on the Apocalypse in the wake of renewed fighting in the Middle East.

From the August 1 edition of MSNBC's Tucker:

CARLSON: Next up, yet more Paula Zahn. She's a nice person, so it's nothing personal, but who is producing her show? For the third time in as many weeks, CNN has devoted an entire segment to the possibility that the Apocalypse might be approaching. Watch this.

ZAHN [video clip]: Welcome back. Our top-story coverage continues with our look at the question of why so many conservative Christians in the U.S. are taking the fighting in the Mideast as a sign that the end of the world may be near. And joining me now, the Reverend Jerry Falwell.

CARLSON: Now, two things about this. Conservative Christians believe that fighting between Israel and Hezbollah is a sign of the End Times? And they trot on Jerry Falwell to prove it? As if he stands for all conservative Christians?

Only at CNN could people have such contempt for the intelligence of so-called conservative Christians that they could believe that they believe this skirmish -- these series of skirmishes constitute the beginning of the Apocalypse. And second, the obvious point: If not breaking news, then the end of the world. How is that for a grabber?